Using best management cultural practices, always with our environment in mind, Natives Only produces high quality and genetically diverse plant material.  We pride ourselves on growing species native to the Mid-Atlantic Region that will successfully integrate into your landscape.
Natives Only Nursery


Natives Only, LLC is a wholesale nursery centrally located on the Delmarva Peninsula near Salisbury, MD.  We produce a wide array of genetically diverse native plant material suited for the Mid-Atlantic Region.

At Natives Only, we use a variety of unique cultural practices which make our plants ready for the landscape setting.  Our well rooted materials adjust quickly after being planted to give our customer the best results.

Finally, the Natives Only founders have been in the nursery/horticultural industry for decades, giving us the experience needed to serve our customers in every way.  Let us help you create success in your next landscape project.




SpeciesSizeCommon Name
Andropogon gerardii #1big bluestem
Andropogon virginicus#1broomsedge
Carex lurida #1shallow sedge
Carex pensylvanica #1Pennsylvania sedge
Carex pensylvanica #1Pennsylvania sedge
Carex stricta #1tussock sedge
Carex stricta #1tussock sedge
Carex vulpinoidea#1fox sedge
Chasmanthium latifolium #1Northern sea oats
Chasmanthium latifolium#1Northern sea oats
Eragrostis spectabilis #1purple lovegrass
Equisetum scirpoides#1puzzlegrass
Juncus canadensis #1Canada rush
Juncus effusus #1soft rush
Panicum virgatum #1switchgrass
Panicum virgatum' Northwind'#1switchgrass
Panicum virgatum 'Northwind'#2switchgrass
Panicum virgatum 'Shenandoah'#1switchgrass
Panicum virgatum 'Shenandoah'#2switchgrass
Schizachyrium scoparium 'The Blaze'#1little bluestem
Schizachyrium scoparium 'The Blues'#1little bluestem
Scirpus cyperinus#1woolgrass
Spartina alternifloraQTsmooth cordgrass
Spartina alterniflora#1smooth cordgrass
Spartina patensQTsaltmeadow cordgrass
Spartina patens#1saltmeadow cordgrass
Sporobolus heterolepis#1prairie dropseed
Sporobolus heterolepis#1prairie dropseed


SpeciesSizeCommon Name
Agave lechuguilla#1agave
Allium stellatum #1prairie onion
Amsonia x 'Blue Ice'#1hybrid bluestar
Amsonia hubrichtii#1bluestar
Amsonia tabernaemontani 'Grande'#1grande bluestar
Amsonia var. salicifolia#1willow bluestar
Asclepias incarnata#1swamp milkweed
Asclepias tuberosa#1butterfly milkweed
Aster novae-angliae #1New England aster
Baptisia australis #1false blue indigo
Calthra palustris#1marsh marigold
Ceanothus americanus#1New Jersey tea
Chelone glabra#1turtle head
Chrysogonum virginianum #1green and gold
Echinacea pallida#1pale purple coneflower
Echinacea purpurea#1purple coneflower
Eupatorium fistulosum#1trumpetweed 
Eupatorium hyssopifolium#1hyssopleaf thoroughwort
Heuchera americana#1American alumroot
Hibiscus grandiflorus #3swamp rose-mallow
Hibiscus laevis#1halberdleaf rose-mallow
Hibiscus moscheutos#1swamp rose-mallow
Iris versicolor#1blue flag iris
Liatris spicata#1blazing star
Lobelia cardinalis#1cardinal flower
Lobelia siphilitica#1great blue lobelia
Monarda didyma#1scarlet beebalm
Peltandra virginica#1arrow arum
Penstemon digitalis#1foxglove beardtongue
Phlox caroliniana#1Carolina phlox 
Pycnanthemum muticum#1short-toothed mountain mint
Rudbeckia fulgida#1black-eyed Susan 
Rudbeckia fulgida var. deamii#1Deam's coneflower
Senecio aureus#1golden ragwort
Silene virginica#1fire pink
Solidago rigida#1stiff goldenrod
Solidago sempervirens#1seaside goldenrod
Spigelia merlandica#1Indian pink
Verbena hastata#1blue vervain
Vernonia glauca#1upland ironweed
Vernonia noveboracensis#1New York ironweed
Veronicastrum virginicum#1culver's root
Viola pedata#1birdfoot violet
Yucca filamentosa #1yucca


SpeciesSizeCommon Name
Aesculus pavia#3red buckeye
Aesculus pavia#7red buckeye
Amelanchier arborea #7downy serviceberry
Amelanchier laevis#3Allegheny serviceberry
Asimina triloba#3pawpaw
Asimina triloba#7pawpaw
Baccharis halimifolia#3groundsel tree
Cephalanthus occidentalis #7button bush
Cephalanthus occidentalis #3button bush
Chionanthus virginicus#7fringe tree
Clethra alnifolia#3sweet pepperbush
Cornus sericea#3redosier dogwood
Dirca palustris#7Eastern leatherwood
Dirca palustris#15Eastern leatherwood
Hamamelis virginiana#3witch hazel
Hamamelis virginiana#15witch hazel
Hydrangea quercifolia#3oakleaf hydrangea
Ilex glabra#3inkberry
Ilex verticillata#3winterberry
Itea virginica#3Virginia sweetspire
Iva frutescens#3high-tide bush
Lindera benzoin#7spicebush
Magnolia virginiana#3sweetbay magnolia
Myrica cerifera#7southern wax myrtle
Osmanthus americanus#3American olive
Photinia melanocarpa#3black chokeberry
Ptelea trifoliata#7wafer ash
Rhus typhina #7staghorn sumac
Viburnum dentatum#3arrowwood
Viburnum nudum#3possumhaw
Viburnum prunifolium#3blackhaw
Viburnum trilobum#3American cranberrybush
Viburnum trilobum#7American cranberrybush


SpeciesSizeCommon Name
Acer rubrum#15red maple
Acer rubrum#15red maple
Betula nigra#15river birch
Carya illinoinensis#15pecan
Cercis canadensis#15Eastern redbud
Diospyros virginiana#7common persimmon
Diospyros virginiana#15common persimmon
Liquidambar styraciflua#15sweetgum
Liquidambar styraciflua#15sweetgum
Liriodendron tulipifera#15tulip poplar
Liriodendron tulipifera#15tulip poplar
Nyssa sylvatica#15blackgum
Pinus taeda#15loblolly pine
Platanus occidentalis#15American sycamore
Platanus occidentalis#15American sycamore
Quercus alba#15white oak
Quercus palustris#15pin oak
Quercus phellos#15willow oak
Sassafras alba#15sassafras
Taxodium distichum#10bald cypress
Taxodium distichum#15bald cypress
Ulmus americana#15American elm

Please call for our most recent availability.



All plant prices are subject to change without notice.  A volume discount for customers in good standing are possible. All sales are C.O.D. unless a credit account has been created with Native’s Only, LLC.

Cash and pre-approved check payments are accepted.  All checks must be approved through the Native’s Only office for the total amount of the payment prior to pick-up or delivery.  Past due accounts are all subject to 4% finance charge per month for the first six months (annual percentage maximum rate of 24%).  For dishonored checks, the original amount of the payment plus $50 returned check fee must be paid either by money order certified check or cash.

Prior to pick up or delivery, the customer must notify Native’s Only of their tax-exempt status or if any status changes have been made.  The availability of products changes frequently on the Native’s Only website.  All orders must be in print received by Native’s Only.  An order confirmation by email or fax must be received from Native’s Only.  Orders that are not received due to fax or email errors are not the responsibility of Native’s Only.  There will be a restocking fee of 25% of the total order price if cancellations are made after the order is pulled.

Native’s Only does not guarantee successful growth after a sale due to the range of experience the buyer may have. At the time of delivery please count and examine all plants.  If there is a plant shortage or damage at the time of delivery notify the driver and contact our main office within 24 hours, otherwise shipment will be accepted.  Please email your claim to [email protected]. Failure to contact Native’s Only within 24 hours of a problem will result in refusal of the claim.  Native’s Only is not responsible for more than the purchase price of the plant and invoices may not be altered by the customer after delivery or pick-up.  If a claim has been approved, a credit will be given for the price of the plants by mail.

Please have a confirmed order with Native’s Only 24 hours prior to pick-up.  For delivery pricing please call Brent Malone at 443-235-8423 for a quote.